Connected TV Ads that Perform

Working with the Best

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Integrate the data and insights of digital marketing into your television campaigns

Similar to traditional TV advertising, CTV advertising involves identifying a target audience, creating engaging ads, and purchasing media slots on streaming services. However, CTV ads are typically sold through auctions in a private marketplace, where advertisers set maximum bids. Unlike traditional TV ads, the exact timing and content pairing of CTV ads are less predictable, as they can appear before, during, or after streaming content, on a wide range of devices including smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs.

CTV advertising offers advanced targeting options, such as behavioral, demographic, and contextual targeting, to ensure ads reach the most relevant audience. Various ad formats, pause ads, and interactive ads enhance engagement. These innovative formats allow advertisers to deliver personalized and interactive experiences that traditional TV ads cannot offer.

Despite the potentially higher costs, CTV ads can be highly effective, with metrics like reach, video completion rate, viewability, and attribution providing insights into campaign performance.


Goli Gummies Case Study

Jennifer Lopez partners with Goli to showcase the delicious way to reap the benefits of apple cider vinegar.

View Case Study


Aroma 360 Case Study

See how Aroma360 creates luxurious & customized scent experiences for homes and businesses.

View Case Study


Laseraway Case Study

LaserAway engages their audience who use advanced laser treatments for smooth, youthful skin with expert care.

View Case Study


FTD Case Study

LaserAway engages their audience who use advanced laser treatments for smooth, youthful skin with expert care.

View Case Study


1. Start on Target

We complete a needs analysis with you to identify your goals and available resources


2. Buy Smarter, Be Agile

We focus on media that performs actively managing bids to ensure optimal pricing


3. Measure, Scale, Win

Leverage 3rd party measure teams to report on business outcomes that matter to you


+ Rate

Our dynamic approach ensures cost-effective, targeted media buys, leveraging advanced analytics to maximize your ROI without overpaying.

+ Scale

Gain unmatched access to premium inventory across all major advertising channels, driving massive reach and engagement at scale.

+ Performance

We deliver measurable results with precise attribution, continuously optimizing your campaigns for unparalleled performance and growth.


Advertiser Spotlight

Trusted by industry leaders at the world’s largest companies.


Rave Review

"Mynt turns real-world knowledge into custom solutions that crushes goals."

EdTech Company, Marketing Strategist

Decades of Strong Media Relationships

Primetime, all the time.

From Video to Audio, our partnerships span the biggest names in media. Our vendor agnostic approach means that we only spend on what’s working for you. Custom solutions, every time.